Basware Customer Blog

Product Tips: 5 Features You Should Enable in Basware Purchase Today!

Written by Taija Björklund | Oct 30, 2023 1:53:51 PM

We've identified 5 features in Basware Purchase that you may not be aware are available already and can have a dramatic effect on simplifying your procurement experience, driving greater efficiency and control. Read this blog to understand how you can supercharge your Purchase solution today!

All the below features can be activated on request via the Basware support portal.

1.    Integrated Shopping Experience

The Integrated Shopping Experience (ISE) is Basware's new shopping experience for our Purchase Module. This streamlines the end-user shopping process by providing a unified starting point on the home page.

This allows users to discover free-text forms, catalog products, and punchouts all in one search, resulting in a more seamless experience with fewer clicks.

Express checkout can also be enabled to allow faster purchasing of single items. As part of this feature, users gain an enhanced summary page for the checkout process.

Importantly, the Integrated Shopping Experience can be easily enabled, and we highly recommend customers turn on this feature to access future innovations that will be exclusively available in this new, enhanced shopping experience. 

Contact your Customer Success Manager today to begin planning your transition and to discuss the next steps.

2.    Budgets

Budgets in Basware Purchase allow you to monitor and control your procurement spending effectively.

Purchase requisition lines are mapped to budgets based on coding rules. You can enforce budget limits by preventing users from sending purchase requisitions for approval when the budget is exceeded or by issuing warnings.

You can also identify if there are pending purchases to the budget that you can validate or reject. You can easily import budgets from an external budget management system making your budget management easy.

Use Case: You are starting an office renovation and furnishing project with multiple buyers. You want to set a total budget for the project and follow cost accumulation to ensure the budget for the project is not exceeded. All requisitions and orders containing the project code can be automatically connected to a budget. If the budget is exceeded, the requisition cannot be sent for approval. Also, a budget owner can generate a report to view all expenditures connected to the budget easily. 

3.    Contract Spend

Get increased visibility into your contract spend by tracking your purchase orders, spend plans, and invoices. Contract spend can be viewed in Purchase Professional tools. It can also be exported to Excel for straightforward reporting or to external systems via Open API. Customize the spend collection for each individual contract to meet your specific needs. 

Use Case: You have a contract with a supplier that is valued at $250,000. This enables your organization to order goods or services over an extended period. With Contract Spend enabled, you can see the value of orders already made against the contract as well as the invoices.

4. Quick Source

Quick Source is a powerful quoting tool for buyers, particularly useful for handling tactical requests for quotations. It’s ideal for highly configurable products or items subject to price volatility.

Quick Source not only helps you get the best price but also enhances transparency in supplier selection. It offers three quoting options: framework agreement, price on request, and standard. 

Use Case 1: Your company is organizing an annual event for employees. You already have three registered suppliers in event management. But for this event, you want to include additional suppliers with better prices and quality than the ones already registered. Instead of sending emails to each supplier, you raise the request for quotation to the registered suppliers and non-registered suppliers using the Quick Source tool. Having all the quotes directly in the quoting tool increases will increase transparency and simplify the supplier selection.

Use Case 2:  Using price on request. A logistic company does not provide a fixed price for their services as the price for individual services varies depending on the weight and destination of the transportation. In the case where the price of the service is volatile and your transportation destination varies, you can use price on request to get a quote from the logistic supplier for your specific request.

5.    Adjustable timing for goods receipt notification

If daily task summary notifications are enabled, users may receive daily reminders for completing the goods receipt task after sending a purchase order to the supplier. These reminders can become unnecessary (and annoying) if goods are delivered significantly later.

Avoid these unnecessary email reminders by configuring delays in goods receipt notifications. You can base these delays on confirmed or desired delivery dates or specify a delay in days after the order has been sent. Tailor notification timing to align with your workflow for increased relevance. 

Empower Your Procurement: Take Action Today! 

Gain valuable insights into your spending patterns and streamline the efficiency of your procurement process. Your active engagement and feedback in adopting these features are crucial for shaping the best practices. Experience the difference these features can make in your P2P operations and request the activation through the Basware support portal.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.